Clinical Meeting: K. E. M. Hospital

Seth G. S Medical College and K.E.M Hospital, Mumbai

Department of Dermatology Clinical Meet 27th February, 2018 12.30- 2.30 pm

The first clinical meeting of the year 2018 was successfully conducted by KEM hospital, Mumbai on 27th February held at JMLT hall in the hospital campus. After a brief introduction with a welcome speech given by professor Dr. Vidya Kharkar, the meeting was chaired by our cheerful vice-president Dr. Kiran Godse with honourable secretary of IADVL Dr. K.E.Mukadam. A minute of silence was observed in memory of our beloved late professor Dr. V.R. Mehta. The meeting was blessed by the presence of dignitaries like Dr. R.G. Valia, Dr. Rui Fernandes, Dr. Hema Jerajani, Dr. D.G. Saple and Dr. Mahendra Kura.

The meeting was truly a brainstorming academic feast consisting of 3 long cases, 2 short cases and series of 6 spots. The introductory long case presented by registrar Dr. Jayati Dave titled syndromic acanthosis nigricans with hand contracture was a unique case with underlying ovarian malignancy presenting as two different paraneoplastic syndromes at the same time.

Second long case titled carbon baby with difference eliciting extremely rare presentation of cutaneous mastocytosis as carbon baby with c-KIT mutation was a surprising association presented by Dr.Harshada Mithari (Registrar).

This was followed by series of spot cases on:

  1. Infective dermatology presented by Dr. Mayuri Kalantri consisting of common infective etiologies in immunocompromised patients.
  2. Dermatologic oncology presented by Dr. Siddhi Patadia having varying presentations of underlying malignancies with cutaneous metastasis showing positivity for immunohistochemistry of primary tumor.
  3. Unusual presentation of connective tissue diseases presented by Dr. Shefali Saini showing rare case of APLA syndrome secondary to SLE with all four afflictions of limbs, elastosis perforating serpiginous secondary to penicillamine.
  4. Periocular dermatoses by Dr. Ankita Maheshwari stressing the importance of regional dermatology and how it helps us to make a quicker diagnosis
  5. Interesting cases of Paediatric dermatology by Dr.Anuja Sunkwad with cases on Juvenile Xanthogranuloma, Centrifugal malaria profunda, Woolly hair nevus
  6. Rashes due to newer drugs by Dr.Rajasekar. S as well as uncommon rashes secondary to chemotherapeutic drugs.

Third long case presented by Dr.Rohit Hadbe on Disseminated BCGiosis which is an uncommon complication of BCG vaccine seen in immunocompromised infants. On workup lymphopenia was diagnosed and a mutation in STAT1 gene was observed which is responsible for Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease.

Two short cases were presented by Dr.Naziya Muhammed on disseminated Histoplasmosis in an RVD patient and a very surprising case of Keratotic scabies with acro-osteolysis on digits.

The meeting ended on a cheerful thanking note by our beloved professor Dr. Siddhi Chikhalkarand and head of the department, professor Dr. Uday Khopkar.

Clinical Meeting: LTMM Medical College and Gen Hospital

Clinical Meeting held on Friday, 16th June 2017 at LTMM Medical College and Gen Hospital, Sion, attended by about 150 delegates. We wish to congratulate, HOD Dr. Rachita Dhurat, all the faculty members and residents of the Dept of Dermatology for organizing an excellent clinical meeting with many live interesting cases and spots, Special appreciation of the residents for their excellent presentations.

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