Notice Board
Step by Step Guidance for Conversion from
Provisional Life Membership (PLM) to
Life Membership (LM)
Past Event ( J. J. Hospital Clinical Meet )
Outgoing Committee To Incoming Committee. A Meeting At The IADVL Office
Past Event ( J. J. Hospital Clinical Meet )

Date: 24th August 2022
Topic: A CME Update on Hair Disorders-Circle back to Medical Management
As per the last message, we’re happy to open the registration link for the virtual programme on Trichology.
This meeting has 1 MMC point and will revolve around Medical Trichology.
Please register (free but mandatory) for the meeting which will begin at 7:30 pm on 24th August 2022.
Skin Health for women – A Community activity
President Speaks

From Maharashtra State IADVL President’s desk
Dear Colleagues,
First of all, thank you. Thank you for giving me this opportunity as a president of one of the largest branches in the country to serve you. For the last 2 years, we have been living in the world of COVID pandemic. We have seen our own people suffer, our own brethrens demise and we have faced the gloom and sadness together. But we have learned to live with it. Better vaccination, herd immunity and the tenacity of our society are seeing us through.